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Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,

not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

We offer the following payment options:


Checks or Cash - Checks may be mailed to the church or dropped off during regular office hours (9am - 2pm Tuesday through Friday). You may continue to use a offering envelope and please make sure your name is clearly noted for our Financial Secretary to include on a giving statement.


Your Bank - Banks have mobile or online banking tools to send payments directly from your own account to individuals or businesses. Please contact your bank and they will help you with the feature best suited for you.


Vanco - Current members use this giving option, which allows you to set up electronic contributions. Please contact the Financial Secretary for help to set up this automatic giving solution.


Direct Deposit - This provides for a specific dollar amount to be deducted from your checking or savings account and deposited directly into the church account automatically. A Direct Deposit Authorization Form needs to be filled out and submitted to the church office, along with a voided check, to set up the automatic giving. A form is available to download here or we can mail it to you.


Online - The Donate buttons are above and below. Both of these links direct you to the same safe and secure website address.


If you need assistance with any method of donation, please contact the church office.

Thank you for your faithful support of Hope Church!

Through the button above, you many make a one-time or recurring secure donation with a

Visa, Discover, American Express, Mastercard, a Debit Card, or PayPal.



Hope United Methodist Church

3474 Rothsville Road

Ephrata, PA 17522


(717) 738-3774

Office Hours:

9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Friday


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